Results for 'Ian S. Watt'

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  1. Treating Patients as Persons: A Capabilities Approach to Support Delivery of Person-Centered Care.Vikki A. Entwistle & Ian S. Watt - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (8):29-39.
    Health services internationally struggle to ensure health care is “person-centered” (or similar). In part, this is because there are many interpretations of “person-centered care” (and near synonyms), some of which seem unrealistic for some patients or situations and obscure the intrinsic value of patients’ experiences of health care delivery. The general concern behind calls for person-centered care is an ethical one: Patients should be “treated as persons.” We made novel use of insights from the capabilities approach to characterize person-centered care (...)
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    Review of Form and Validity in Indian Logic, by Vijay Bharadwaja ; The Word and The World: India's Contribution to the Study of Language, by Bimal Krishna Matilal ;The Basic Ways of Knowing, by Govardhan P. Bhatt ; The Quest for Man, ed. J. Van Nispen and D. Tiemersma ; Muslim-Christian Encounters: Perceptions and Misperceptions, by William Montgomery Watt ; Socrates in Mediaeval Arabic Literature, by Ilai Alon, in Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science, Texts and Studies, vol. 10 ; Tsung-mi and the Sinification of Buddhism, by Peter N. Gregory ; Modern Civilization: A Crisis of Fragmentation, by S. C. Malik ; and Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought: Essays in Environmental Philosophy, ed. J. Baird Callicott and Roger T. Ames. [REVIEW]J. Shaw, Vijay Bharadwaha, S. Bhatt, W. Hudson & Ian Netton - 1992 - Asian Philosophy 2 (2):187-210.
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    Conrad's Reply to Kierkegaard.Jerry S. Clegg - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (2):280-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CONRAD'S REPLY TO KIERKEGAARD by Jerry S. Clegg Varied answers to a fixed question have often guided interpretations of Conrad's novella, Heart ofDarkness. Who, that question has been, was Conrad's model for the enigmatic colonial official he calls Kurtz? Hannah Arendt has speculated that it was Carl Peters, an early explorer of east Africa.1 Norman Sherry has picked Arthur Hodister, a Belgian officer, as his candidate.2 Ian Watt (...)
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    The True Story of Fictionality.Benedict S. Robinson - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (3):543-564.
    I aim to explode a famous thesis about “the rise of fictionality,” argued in an essay of that title by Catherine Gallagher. I also have in mind related claims that the eighteenth or the nineteenth century first distinguished fiction from nonfiction or first differentiated literature from other modes of discourse. Gallagher places the rise of fictionality exactly where Ian Watt placed the rise of the novel—England, 1720 to 1740—and she connects it to the development of a credit economy. This (...)
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  5. Cicero Epistulae. Volume Iii.W. S. Watt (ed.) - 1963 - Oxford University Press UK.
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    Cicero Epistulae. Volume Ii. Part I.W. S. Watt (ed.) - 1958 - Oxford University Press UK.
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    A Response to Steven Vogel’s “The End of Nature”.Ian S. Bay - 2002 - Environmental Ethics 24 (3):335-336.
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    Clinical Spinoza: integrating his philosophy with contemporary therapeutic practice.Ian S. Miller - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Discovering Spinoza's early modern psychology some 35 years into his own clinical practice, Ian Miller now gives shape to this connection through a close reading of Spinoza's key philosophical ideas. With a rigorous and expansive analysis of Spinoza's Ethics in particular, Miller explores how Spinozan thought simultaneously empowered the original conceptual direction of psychoanalytic thinking, and anticipated the field's contemporary theoretical dimensions. Miller offers a detailed overview of the philosopher's psychoanalytic reception from the early work of German-language psychoanalytic thinkers, such (...)
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    Cicero Epistulae. Volume I.W. S. Watt (ed.) - 1969 - Oxford University Press UK.
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    World perspectives and arguments: Disagreements about disagreements.Ian S. Markham - 1989 - Heythrop Journal 30 (1):1–12.
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    Do morals matter?: a textbook guide to contemporary religious ethics.Ian S. Markham - 2019 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Thinking about ethics -- Philosophical ethics -- Why not do wrong? -- Is the ethical a human construct or a factual realm? -- Do you just do what is right or do you try to predict the outcomes? -- Natural law and virtue ethics -- Ethics and the bible -- Learning from the wisdom of the world -- Humanism : do we need god to realize that people just matter? -- Ethical dilemmas -- Dilemmas in bed -- Dilemmas in business (...)
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    Globalization, ethics, and Islam: the case of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.Ian S. Markham & İbrahim Özdemir (eds.) - 2005 - Burlington, Vt: Ashgate.
    Yet many in the USA and Europe are not familiar with his important work; this book seeks to rectify that gap.In Globalization, Ethics and Islam, Jewish, ...
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    The Gift of the Nile. Hellenizing Egypt from Aeschylus to Alexander (Book).Ian S. Moyer - 2003 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 123:224-225.
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    Becoming Problematic: Breakdown of a Hegemonic Conception of Ireland in Nineteenth-Century Britain.Ian S. Lustick - 1990 - Politics and Society 18 (1):39-73.
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  15. The Riddle of Nationalism: The Dialectic of Religion and Nationalism in the Middle East.Ian S. Lustick - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (3).
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    A balanced view of otolithic function: Comment on Stoffregen and Riccio (1988).Ian S. Curthoys & Nicholas J. Wade - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (1):132-134.
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  17. Kant on Formal Modality.Ian S. Blecher - 2013 - Kant Studien 104 (1):44-62.
    I propose to explain Kant’s novel claim, in the Critique of Pure Reason, that all judgments have a formal modality. I begin by distinguishing the modality of a judgment’s form from the modality of its content, and I suggest that the former is peculiar in merely affecting the subject’s understanding of his own act of judging. I then contrast the modal account of such an understanding (in terms of the possibility and actuality of a judgment) with the traditional, non-modal understanding (...)
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    Get rich quick: The signal to respond procedure reveals the time course of semantic richness effects during visual word recognition.Ian S. Hargreaves & Penny M. Pexman - 2014 - Cognition 131 (2):216-242.
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    Tetlock and counterfactuals: Saving methodological ambition from empirical findings.Ian S. Lustick - 2010 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 22 (4):427-447.
    In five works spanning a decade, Philip E. Tetlock's interest in counterfactuals has changed. He began with an optimistic desire to make social science more rigorous by identifying best practices in the absence of non-imagined controls for experimentation. Soon, however, he adopted a more pessimistic analysis of the cognitive and psychological barriers facing experts. This shift was brought on by an awareness that experts are not rational Bayesians who continually update their theories to keep up with new information; but instead (...)
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    Do morals matter?: a guide to contemporary religious ethics.Ian S. Markham - 2007 - Oxford: Blackwell.
    Do Morals Matter? is an accessible and informed guide to contemporary ethical issues that reflects upon the intersection of religion and morality. An informal yet informed guide through the key ethical issues we are facing today, from moral decision making in business and medicine, to the uncertainty of war and terrorism, and the condition of our environment. Reflects on religion’s intersection with morality, exploring the challenge of pluralism in major world religions, and the question of Humanism and God’s role in (...)
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    Plurality and Christian ethics.Ian S. Markham - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Too many parts of the world testify to the difficulties religions have in tolerating each other. It is often concluded that the only way tolerance and plurality can be protected is to keep religion out of the public sphere. Ian Markham challenges this secularist argument. In the first half of the book, he advances a careful critique of European culture which exposes the problem of plurality. His analysis of the Christendom Group is contrasted with the outlook found in the USA, (...)
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    Pain in Context: Indicators and Expressions of Animal Pain.Ian S. Olivier & Abraham Olivier - 2024 - In Michael J. Glover & Les Mitchell, Animals as Experiencing Entities: Theories and Historical Narratives. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 61-96.
    This chapter aims to contribute to the endeavour of investigating nonhuman animals as experiencing subjects in their own right with their own species-specific histories. Our focus is on the examination of pain experience in animals. We argue that there is need for more research in which pain experience in animals is accounted for in species-specific terms. Making use of empirical studies in the fields of neurobiology, evolutionary-developmental biology, comparative psychology, and cognitive ethology, we try to offer a phenomenological analysis of (...)
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    Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East. By Roger S. Bagnall. [REVIEW]Ian S. Moyer - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (3):523-525.
    Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East. By Roger S. Bagnall. Sather Classical Lectures, vol. 69. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2011. Pp. xiv + 179, illus. $49.95.
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    Deliberative democracy and public discourse: The agent‐based argument repertoire model.Ian S. Lustick & Dan Miodownik - 2000 - Complexity 5 (4):13-30.
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    Herodotus and an Egyptian mirage: the genealogies of the Theban priests.Ian S. Moyer - 2002 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 122:70-90.
    This article re-evaluates the significance attributed to Hecataeus¿ encounter with the Theban priests described by Herodotus (2.143) by setting it against the evidence of Late Period Egyptian representations of the past. In the first part a critique is offered of various approaches Classicists have taken to this episode and its impact on Greek historiography. Classicists have generally imagined this as an encounter in which the young, dynamic and creative Greeks construct an image of the static, ossified and incredibly old culture (...)
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  26. Planning of Science and Technology for Development.S. Ramanati-Ian - 1993 - In Syed Zahoor Qasim, Science and quality of life. New Delhi, India: Offsetters. pp. 123.
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    Science fiction as a value scenario for historical technology.Ian S. King - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (1):69-73.
    The value scenario is a useful tool in the sheaf of methods within value sensitive design. When envisioning new technology, this tool supports the designer in speculatively considering relevant stakeholders, values expressed or rebuffed by an artifact’s design, and tensions that may exist between those values. This paper explores how science fiction stories can serve as value scenarios to supplement traditional historical methods, especially when informants are no longer accessible.
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  28. Hegemony and the riddle of nationalism: The dialectics of nationalism and religion in the Middle East.Ian S. Lustick - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (3):18-44.
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    Dietary salt and hypertension: a scientific issue or a matter of faith?J. Ian S. Robertson - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (1):1-22.
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    Brain protein 4.1 subtypes: A working hypothesis.Keith E. Krebs, Ian S. Zagon, Ram Sihag & Steven R. Goodman - 1987 - Bioessays 6 (6):274-279.
    In a companion review1 we discussed the data supporting the conclusion that at least two subtypes of spectrin exist in mammalian brain. One form is found in the cell bodies, dendrites, and post‐synaptic terminals of neurons (brain spectrin(240/235E)) and the other subtype is located in the axons and presynaptic terminals (brain spectrin(240/235)). Our recent understanding of brain spectrin subtype localization suggests a possible explanation for a conundrum concerning brain 4.1 localization. Amelin, an immunoreactive analogue of red blood cell (rbc) cytoskeletal (...)
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    Stephen Case. Making Stars Physical: The Astronomy of Sir John Herschel. viii + 319 pp., figs., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. $39.95 . ISBN 9780822945307. [REVIEW]Ian S. Glass - 2019 - Isis 110 (3):617-618.
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    (1 other version)Virtual morality in the helping professions: simulated action and resilience.Kathryn B. Francis, Michaela Gummerum, Giorgio Ganis, Ian S. Howard & Sylvia Terbeck - 2018 - British Journal of Psychology 109 (3):442-465.
    Recent advances in virtual technologies have allowed the investigation of simulated moral actions in aversive moral dilemmas. Previous studies have employed diverse populations in order to explore these actions, with little research considering the significance of occupation on moral decision-making. For the first time, in this study we have investigated simulated moral actions in Virtual Reality made by professionally trained paramedics and fire service incident commanders who are frequently faced with and must respond to moral dilemmas. We found that specially (...)
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  33. Healthcare Practice, Epistemic Injustice, and Naturalism.Ian James Kidd & Havi Carel - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 84:1-23.
    Ill persons suffer from a variety of epistemically-inflected harms and wrongs. Many of these are interpretable as specific forms of what we dub pathocentric epistemic injustices, these being ones that target and track ill persons. We sketch the general forms of pathocentric testimonial and hermeneutical injustice, each of which are pervasive within the experiences of ill persons during their encounters in healthcare contexts and the social world. What’s epistemically unjust might not be only agents, communities and institutions, but the theoretical (...)
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  34. Development of knowledge about electricity and magnetism during a visit to a science museum and related post‐visit activities.David Anderson, Keith B. Lucas, Ian S. Ginns & Lynn D. Dierking - 2000 - Science Education 84 (5):658-679.
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    Effects of 7.5% CO2 inhalation on allocation of spatial attention to facial cues of emotional expression.Robbie M. Cooper, Jayne E. Bailey, Alison Diaper, Rachel Stirland, Lynne E. Renton, Christopher P. Benton, Ian S. Penton-Voak, David J. Nutt & Marcus R. Munafò - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (4):626-638.
  36. Experience of and in Time.Ian Phillips - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (2):131-144.
    How must experience of time be structured in time? In particular, does the following principle, which I will call inheritance, hold: for any temporal property apparently presented in perceptual experience, experience itself has that same temporal property. For instance, if I hear Paul McCartney singing ‘Hey Jude’, must my auditory experience of the ‘Hey’ itself precede my auditory experience of the ‘Jude’, or can the temporal order of these experiences come apart from the order the words are experienced as having? (...)
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  37. The new Wittgenstein: A critique.Ian Proops - 2001 - European Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):375–404.
    A critique of Cora Diamond's influential approach to reading Wittgenstein's Tractatus. According to Diamond, the Tractatus contains no substantive philosophical theses, but is rather merely an especially subtle and sophisticated exercise in the unmasking of nonsense. I argue that no remotely convincing case for this interpretive thesis has yet been made--either by Diamond herself, or by the numerous defenders of this so-called "resolute" reading (so-called by those who wish to style themselves as resolute; their opponents tend to reject this characterization (...)
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  38. Intellectual Humility.Ian M. Church & Justin Barrett - 2016 - In Everett L. Worthington Jr, Don E. Davis & Joshua N. Hook, Routledge Handbook of Humility. Springer.
    We critique two popular philosophical definitions of intellectual humility: the “low concern for status” and the “limitations-owning.” accounts. Based upon our analysis, we offer an alternative working definition of intellectual humility: the virtue of accurately tracking what one could non-culpably take to be the positive epistemic status of one’s own beliefs. We regard this view of intellectual humility both as a virtuous mean between intellectual arrogance and diffidence and as having advantages over other recent conceptions of intellectual humility. After defending (...)
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  39. Educating for Intellectual Humility.Ian Kidd - 2015 - In Jason Baehr, Educating for Intellectual Virtues: Applying Virtue Epistemology to Educational Theory and Practice. Routledge. pp. 54-70.
    I offer an account of the virtue of intellectual humility, construed as a pair of dispositions enabling proper management of one's intellectual confidence. I then show its integral role in a range of familiar educational practices and concerns, and finally describe how certain entrenched educational attitudes and conceptions marginalise or militate against the cultivation and exercise of this virtue.
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  40. (1 other version)What is strict implication?Ian Hacking - 1963 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 28 (1):51-71.
    C. I. Lewis intended his systems S1–S5 as contributions to the study of “strict implication”, but in his formulation, strict implication is so thoroughly intertwined with other notions, such as possibility and negation, that it remains a problem, to separate out the properties of strict implication itself. I shall solve this problem for S2–5 and von Wright's M. The results for S3–5 are given below, while the implicative parts of S2 and M, which are rather more complicated, are given in (...)
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  41. Knowledge by deduction.Ian Rumfitt - 2008 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 77 (1):61-84.
    It seems beyond doubt that a thinker can come to know a conclusion by deducing it from premisses that he knows already, but philosophers have found it puzzling how a thinker could acquire knowledge in this way. Assuming a broadly externalist conception of knowledge, I explain why judgements competently deduced from known premisses are themselves knowledgeable. Assuming an exclusionary conception of judgeable content, I further explain how such judgements can be informative. (According to the exclusionary conception, which I develop from (...)
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  42. Russellian Acquaintance Revisited.Ian Proops - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (4):779-811.
    It is sometimes claimed that in his 1912 work, "The Problems of Philosophy" (POP), and possibly as early as “on Denoting”, Russell conceives of the mind's acquaintance with sense-data as providing an indubitable or certain foundation for empirical knowledge. However, although he does say things suggestive of this view in certain of his 1914 works, Russell also makes remarks in POP that conflict with any such broadly "Cartesian" interpretation of this work. This paper attempts to resolve this apparent tension, while (...)
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    15 Hearing and Hallucinating Silence.Ian Phillips - 2013 - In Fiona Macpherson & Dimitris Platchias, Hallucination: Philosophy and Psychology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 333.
    Tradition has it that, although we experience darkness, we can neither hear nor hallucinate silence. At most, we hear that it is silent, in virtue of lacking auditory experience. This cognitive view is at odds with our ordinary thought and talk. Yet it is not easy to vouchsafe the perception of silence: Sorensen‘s recent account entails the implausible claim that the permanently and profoundly deaf are perpetually hallucinating silence. To better defend the view that we can genuinely hear and hallucinate (...)
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  44. Truth conditions and communication.Ian Rumfitt - 1995 - Mind 104 (416):827-862.
    The paper addresses itself to the "Homeric struggle" in the theory of meaning between those (e.g., Grice) who try to analyze declarative meaning in terms of an intention to induce a belief and those (e.g., Davidson) for who declarative meaning consists in truth conditions. (The point of departure is Strawson's celebrated discussion of this issue, in his Inaugural Lecture.) I argue that neither style of analysis is satisfactory, and develop a "hybrid" that may be-although what I take from the Gricean (...)
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  45. Experience and time.Ian Phillips - 2009 - Dissertation, Ucl
    We are no less directly acquainted with the temporal structure of the world than with its spatial structure. We hear one word succeeding another; feel two taps as simultaneous; or see the glow of a firework persisting, before it finally fizzles and fades. However, time is special, for we not only experience temporal properties; experience itself is structured in time. -/- Part One articulates a natural framework for thinking about experience in time. I claim (i) that experience in its experiential (...)
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    Competing Principles for Allocating Health Care Resources.Drew Carter, Jason Gordon & Amber M. Watt - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (5):558-583.
    We clarify options for conceptualizing equity, or what we refer to as justice, in resource allocation. We do this by systematically differentiating, expounding, and then illustrating eight different substantive principles of justice. In doing this, we compare different meanings that can be attributed to “need” and “the capacity to benefit”. Our comparison is sharpened by two analytical tools. First, quantification helps to clarify the divergent consequences of allocations commended by competing principles. Second, a diagrammatic approach developed by economists Culyer and (...)
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    Psychotherapy East and West.E. H. S. & Alan W. Watts - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (4):617.
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  48. The tractatus on inference and entailment.Ian Proops - 2002 - In Erich H. Reck, From Frege to Wittgenstein: perspectives on early analytic philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In the Tractatus Wittgenstein criticizes Frege and Russell's view that laws of inference (Schlussgesetze) "justify" logical inferences. What lies behind this criticism, I argue, is an attack on Frege and Russell's conceptions of logical entailment. In passing, I examine Russell's dispute with Bradley on the question whether all relations are "internal".
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  49. The categoricity problem and truth-value gaps.Ian Rumfitt - 1997 - Analysis 57 (4):223-235.
    In his article 'Rejection' (1996), Timothy Smiley had shown how a logical system allowing rules of rejection could provide a categorical axiomatization of the classical propositional calculus. This paper shows how rules of rejection, when placed in a multiple conclusion setting, can also provide categorical axiomatizations of a range of non-classical calculi which permit truth-value gaps, among them the calculus in Smiley's own 'Sense without denotation' (1960).
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    The State of Democratic Theory: a reply to James Fishkin.Ian Shapiro - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (1):79-83.
    I respond to Fishkin?s critique of my book The State of Democratic Theory. I reiterate my defense of a competitive model of democracy geared to reducing domination, rather than Fishkin?s deliberative model that deploys structured discussion to enlighten mass preferences. In light of the literatures on framing effects and the value of mutually independent judgments, I question whether the procedures Fishkin recommends would produce outcomes that are better informed rather than differently informed. Recognizing that deliberation might sometimes be helpful in (...)
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